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This is my blog for documenting and writing about my month-long experience of studying abroad in the United Kingdom!

Friday, June 17, 2011

First day of class!

Today was the first day of class. It started at 10AM, which was conveniently the same time as the fire alarm went off for a fire drill. We all got outside in front of Harlaxton and had to wait out  there for a while. It ended up being a blessing in disguise because I got to meet the Principal of Harlaxton who is from Kansas City! Small world, yes? I haven't done too much else today because it's just now around noon. I'm probably going to explore the house a little bit more and the outside part of it. Later some of us might go into town and hopefully I can get the train tickets straightened out. I'll post more later. Here are a couple more pictures!


  1. That's so cool your principal's from Kansas City. That is a small world.

    And what is up with all the fire alarms/drills so far?

  2. .......though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide, it's a small world after all...
    I wonder if our paths have crossed some other time here in the midwest?? Have fun exploring!
