About Me

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This is my blog for documenting and writing about my month-long experience of studying abroad in the United Kingdom!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Leaving....in a Highlander, then a jet plane

Tomorrow the parents and I drive to Cincinnati. We'll be meeting up with my Aunt and some of my parents friends for a couple days and then I take off with the group on Sunday. I really am getting excited but equally nervous. Hopefully I have enough distractions on the plane to not freak out too much :-) Once we get there the anxiety will drop tons I'm sure. I'm ALMOST all packed and ready to go. I can't believe that I'm leaving tomorrow! Pre-test is done. Suitcase(s) packed. Now all I have left is to get there and the adventure will begin. I think I have set this up properly (Mike correct me if I'm wrong :-P) where you can follow my posts by email or by blog. So if you follow through email I THINK you'll receive word when I put up new posts. Hopefully that's how it works. That's all I have for now.
Until we meet in London,


  1. I know you are going to have a "fab" experience and I look forward to following you on your blog

  2. So excited for you! Wish I could go with you to see you off. :( Oh, and many thanks for getting Leaving On a Jet Plane stuck in my head.

  3. Have a safe trip to Cincy! And see you at the airport!
